BeamDojo: Learning Agile Humanoid Locomotion on Sparse Footholds

Authors: Huayi Wang, Zirui Wang, Junli Ren, Qingwei Ben, Tao Huang, Weinan Zhang, Jiangmiao Pang

Abstract: Traversing risky terrains with sparse footholds poses a significant challenge
for humanoid robots, requiring precise foot placements and stable locomotion.
Existing approaches designed for quadrupedal robots often fail to generalize to
humanoid robots due to differences in foot geometry and unstable morphology,
while learning-based approaches for humanoid locomotion still face great
challenges on complex terrains due to sparse foothold reward signals and
inefficient learning processes. To address these challenges, we introduce
BeamDojo, a reinforcement learning (RL) framework designed for enabling agile
humanoid locomotion on sparse footholds. BeamDojo begins by introducing a
sampling-based foothold reward tailored for polygonal feet, along with a double
critic to balancing the learning process between dense locomotion rewards and
sparse foothold rewards. To encourage sufficient trail-and-error exploration,
BeamDojo incorporates a two-stage RL approach: the first stage relaxes the
terrain dynamics by training the humanoid on flat terrain while providing it
with task terrain perceptive observations, and the second stage fine-tunes the
policy on the actual task terrain. Moreover, we implement a onboard LiDAR-based
elevation map to enable real-world deployment. Extensive simulation and
real-world experiments demonstrate that BeamDojo achieves efficient learning in
simulation and enables agile locomotion with precise foot placement on sparse
footholds in the real world, maintaining a high success rate even under
significant external disturbances.


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