IMAGINE: An 8-to-1b 22nm FD-SOI Compute-In-Memory CNN Accelerator With an End-to-End Analog Charge-Based 0.15-8POPS/W Macro Featuring Distribution-Aware Data Reshaping

Authors: Adrian Kneip, Martin Lefebvre, Pol Maistriaux, David Bol

Abstract: Charge-domain compute-in-memory (CIM) SRAMs have recently become an enticing
compromise between computing efficiency and accuracy to process sub-8b
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) at the edge. Yet, they commonly make use
of a fixed dot-product (DP) voltage swing, which leads to a loss in effective
ADC bits due to data-dependent clipping or truncation effects that waste
precious conversion energy and computing accuracy. To overcome this, we present
IMAGINE, a workload-adaptive 1-to-8b CIM-CNN accelerator in 22nm FD-SOI. It
introduces a 1152×256 end-to-end charge-based macro with a multi-bit DP based
on an input-serial, weight-parallel accumulation that avoids power-hungry DACs.
An adaptive swing is achieved by combining a channel-wise DP array split with a
linear in-ADC implementation of analog batch-normalization (ABN), obtaining a
distribution-aware data reshaping. Critical design constraints are relaxed by
including the post-silicon equivalent noise within a CIM-aware CNN training
framework. Measurement results showcase an 8b system-level energy efficiency of
40TOPS/W at 0.3/0.6V, with competitive accuracies on MNIST and CIFAR-10.
Moreover, the peak energy and area efficiencies of the 187kB/mm2 macro
respectively reach up to 0.15-8POPS/W and 2.6-154TOPS/mm2, scaling with the
8-to-1b computing precision. These results exceed previous charge-based designs
by 3-to-5x while being the first work to provide linear in-memory rescaling.


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