Observation Interference in Partially Observable Assistance Games

Authors: Scott Emmons, Caspar Oesterheld, Vincent Conitzer, Stuart Russell

Abstract: We study partially observable assistance games (POAGs), a model of the
human-AI value alignment problem which allows the human and the AI assistant to
have partial observations. Motivated by concerns of AI deception, we study a
qualitatively new phenomenon made possible by partial observability: would an
AI assistant ever have an incentive to interfere with the human’s observations?
First, we prove that sometimes an optimal assistant must take
observation-interfering actions, even when the human is playing optimally, and
even when there are otherwise-equivalent actions available that do not
interfere with observations. Though this result seems to contradict the classic
theorem from single-agent decision making that the value of perfect information
is nonnegative, we resolve this seeming contradiction by developing a notion of
interference defined on entire policies. This can be viewed as an extension of
the classic result that the value of perfect information is nonnegative into
the cooperative multiagent setting. Second, we prove that if the human is
simply making decisions based on their immediate outcomes, the assistant might
need to interfere with observations as a way to query the human’s preferences.
We show that this incentive for interference goes away if the human is playing
optimally, or if we introduce a communication channel for the human to
communicate their preferences to the assistant. Third, we show that if the
human acts according to the Boltzmann model of irrationality, this can create
an incentive for the assistant to interfere with observations. Finally, we use
an experimental model to analyze tradeoffs faced by the AI assistant in
practice when considering whether or not to take observation-interfering

Source: http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.17797v1

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