Authors: Pranav Nair, Puranjay Datta, Jeff Dean, Prateek Jain, Aditya Kusupati
Abstract: Quantizing model weights is critical for reducing the communication and
inference costs of large models. However, quantizing models — especially to
low precisions like int4 or int2 — requires a trade-off in model quality;
int2, in particular, is known to severely degrade model quality. Consequently,
practitioners are often forced to maintain multiple models with different
quantization levels or serve a single model that best satisfies the
quality-latency trade-off. On the other hand, integer data types, such as int8,
inherently possess a nested (Matryoshka) structure where smaller bit-width
integers, like int4 or int2, are nested within the most significant bits. This
paper proposes Matryoshka Quantization (MatQuant), a novel multi-scale
quantization technique that addresses the challenge of needing multiple
quantized models. It allows training and maintaining just one model, which can
then be served at different precision levels. Furthermore, due to the
co-training and co-distillation regularization provided by MatQuant, the int2
precision models extracted by MatQuant can be up to $10\%$ more accurate than
standard int2 quantization (using techniques like QAT or OmniQuant). This
represents significant progress in model quantization, demonstrated by the fact
that, with the same recipe, an int2 FFN-quantized Gemma-2 9B model is more
accurate than an int8 FFN-quantized Gemma-2 2B model.