Stabilizing Reinforcement Learning in Differentiable Multiphysics Simulation

Authors: Eliot Xing, Vernon Luk, Jean Oh

Abstract: Recent advances in GPU-based parallel simulation have enabled practitioners
to collect large amounts of data and train complex control policies using deep
reinforcement learning (RL), on commodity GPUs. However, such successes for RL
in robotics have been limited to tasks sufficiently simulated by fast
rigid-body dynamics. Simulation techniques for soft bodies are comparatively
several orders of magnitude slower, thereby limiting the use of RL due to
sample complexity requirements. To address this challenge, this paper presents
both a novel RL algorithm and a simulation platform to enable scaling RL on
tasks involving rigid bodies and deformables. We introduce Soft Analytic Policy
Optimization (SAPO), a maximum entropy first-order model-based actor-critic RL
algorithm, which uses first-order analytic gradients from differentiable
simulation to train a stochastic actor to maximize expected return and entropy.
Alongside our approach, we develop Rewarped, a parallel differentiable
multiphysics simulation platform that supports simulating various materials
beyond rigid bodies. We re-implement challenging manipulation and locomotion
tasks in Rewarped, and show that SAPO outperforms baselines over a range of
tasks that involve interaction between rigid bodies, articulations, and


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